Manta Soft

Screengrab 1
Do you want a nice web page like this one on the left, but don't have the gfx/html skill or simply the free time?

If so then MantaSoft could help you....
I can make websites for you, like these examples, at only 0.5p (UK pence) per character used in the HTML pages. And I won't charge for any bits that I've copied over and over again (like a large table template).
As a benchmark, my old site would have cost me around �18. Don't forget that all gfx are free, you only pay for the html tag.
Screengrab 2
Screengrab 3
If you do want a web page, I will create it and then send you some screen SHOTs of it before you pay, that way you can see if your getting what you want.
So, if you want me to make your web site then email me with some details and I'll get back to you.

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